How Do I Fix Readers Block? 15 Effective Ways to Cure A Reading Slump

By Louise
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Do you ever feel like you just don't want to read anymore? You're not alone. Many people go through periods where they just can't seem to get into reading. This is known as a reading slump or block. It can be devastating if you're an avid reader and can leave you feeling lost and frustrated. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks to help you get back into reading again!

What is Readers Block?

Readers block is a condition in which a person has difficulty reading. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as not A person in the midst a reading slump may have difficulty concentrating and may not be able to get into a book. They may also read slowly and have to reread passages multiple times. Some people experience a "block" where they feel like they can't read at all. This can be particularly troublesome for those who enjoy reading or those who find it therapeutic. It can also be frustrating if you rely on reading for work or school. In fact, English literature students are prime candidates for developing reading slumps due to the large amount of reading required in their coursework.

Symptoms of Readers Block:

  • Inability to concentrate
  • Trouble choosing a book
  • Trouble getting into a book
  • Reading slowly
  • Re-reading passages multiple times
  • Feeling like you can't read at all
  • Not finishing books
  • Feeling like you don't have enough time to read
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the number of things you want or need to read
  • Not feeling in the mood to read

Causes of Readers Block:

There is no one single cause of reading block. You may have just hit a slump in your reading and need to take a break for a little while. Many causes have been proposed, including lack of sleep, anxiety, depression, boredom, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and reading burnout.

What is Reading Burnout

Reading burnout is a type of burnout that can occur when someone feels overwhelmed by their reading material. This can happen when there is too much pressure to read, such as for work or school. It can also happen if you feel like you have to read a certain number of books in a year. If you usually read a lot, then burnout may be the cause of your reading block. Reading burnout can lead to feeling stressed, anxious, and frustrated about reading which can, in turn, lead to a reading slump or block. If you are experiencing reading burnout, it is important to take a break from reading and give yourself some time to relax. Do your best to remove or avoid any pressures that have been placed upon you to read, whether self imposed or otherwise. On a positive note, writers and artists often report experiencing a block as their skills improve. This can be that they've reached a point in their journey where they need to take the next (often more challenging) step, or perhaps need to let go of old habits or beliefs that have started to hold them back. Your reading block may be because you have outgrown the books you were reading and need to try a new author or genre that's outside of your comfort zone or that you don't believe you'll enjoy.

How do I Fix Readers Block?

There are a few things that you can do to try and get over your reading block. Here are 15 tips and tricks to get you back into reading:
  1. Take a break from reading altogether. This may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes the best way to get back into reading is to take a break from it. Maybe try picking up a different hobby or activity for a little while. This will help you clear your mind and come back to reading with fresh eyes.
  2. Try reading a different genre. If you typically read fiction, try picking up a non-fiction book. Or vice versa. Sometimes all you need is a change of pace to jump start your love of reading again.
  3. Try reading a different author. Are the books you're trying to read too simple or maybe too complex? Maybe your go-to authors plots are becoming predictable or you've been trying to force yourself to read difficult books because you feel you should. Sometimes all you need is to find an author whose writing style is a good match for your reading level.
  4. Visit your local library or bookstore. Maybe browsing the shelves will give you some inspiration. Sometimes all it takes is seeing a book that looks interesting to get you reading again.
  5. Change the Format. If you've been reading books electronically try switching back to physical books for a while. Or vice versa. A change in format might jump start your reading again. A physical book is a more sensory experience than reading electronically, and it's free from distractions too. The look, feel, and of course the smell of a paper book could be what you're missing and might help you recapture the reading experience you love. Listening to a podcast or an audiobook is another great option, especially if you're stuck for time.
  6. Talk to other people about what they're reading. Sometimes getting recommendations from friends or family can help jump start your love of reading again. Talking about books can also help get you more interested in what you're reading.
  7. Get enough sleep. Sometimes a lack of concentration or focus can be attributed to not getting enough sleep. Make sure you are getting at least eight hours of sleep a night.
  8. Set some reading goals. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of motivation to get back into reading. Try setting some reading goals for yourself, such as reading one book a month or 20 minutes a day. Once you start meeting your goals, you might find yourself getting back into the swing of things.
  9. Break some reading goals. If you believe your reading block may be caused by having too much pressure to read, then try breaking some of your reading goals. Instead of setting hard and fast goals, try just going with the flow & not forcing yourself to read if you don't feel like it. Reducing the pressure you put on yourself may help you get back into reading again.
  10. Start a reading journal. Try writing in a journal about the last book you enjoyed or a book you couldn't finish. Writing about your reading block might help you pinpoint the root cause of your reading slump. You may find that your choice of reading material is to blame rather than reading itself. If you're not interested in the book you're reading, it's no wonder you can't seem to get into it!
  11. Re-read an old favourite. Try re-reading an old favourite or go back to a book from your childhood. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of comfort reading to jump start your love of reading again. If you're worried about spoiling the happy memories you hold of your favourite read, then maybe try reading something else by the same author. If you're an avid reader, it can be easy to lose sight of the type
  12. Read a short story or poem. Removing the pressure that comes with starting & finishing a whole book might help you get back into reading again. A short story or poem can be just as enjoyable, but without the time commitment that comes with reading an entire novel.
  13. Change the location you're reading in. Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery. Try reading in a different room, outside, in a coffee shop, or even at a different time of day. Make sure your chosen location is free from distractions and that you're comfortable.
  14. Declutter and organise your bookshelves. If you're like most avid readers, you'll have many, many books. It can be helpful to declutter and organise your bookshelves so you can more easily see which books you haven't read. You might find a real gem that you'd forgotten you were looking forward to reading. Or on the other hand you might find that you can donate a whole shelf of books you've read but didn't enjoy. Taking these books to a charity shop will make room for new books and help somebody else in the process. As you sort through your books, consider what you liked or didn't like about each one. This might help you identify the cause of your reading block or what type of books you should be reading.
These are just some of the things that you can try if you're experiencing a reading slump or block. Whether it's breaking some reading goals, journaling about your last book experience, or re-reading an old favourite, there are plenty of things that you can try to jump start your love of reading again. We hope these tips and tricks help you get back into reading again! Don't give up on your love of reading, it's worth it! Remember, readers block is only temporary and with a little bit of time, you can get back to your reading ways in no time. Thanks for reading!

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