How Do I Prepare for Christmas All Year? Christmas Planning Month by Month

By Louise
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How Do I Prepare for Christmas All Year?

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be one of the most stressful. Preparing for Christmas all year is one way to combat the holiday blues. By breaking your Christmas preparations down into small baby steps to complete throughout the year, you'll be able to enjoy the holiday season without all the last-minute scrambling.

Christmas Planning Month by Month

We've put together a month-by-month guide to help you get organised and ready for Christmas so you can relax and enjoy the festive season. Use this monthly plan as a general guide and adjust according to your own family's needs and traditions as necessary.


It might seem too soon but planning for Christmas in January is one of the best times to start getting organised for Christmas. There's a lot to do this month but it's a good idea to plan out next Christmas while the previous Christmas is still fresh in your mind. Having a clear idea of what you're aiming for next Christmas will help you stay on track through the year. January is probably one of the most important months for Christmas preparation as you think through every aspect of what made last Christmas great, and look ahead to changes you might want to make for next year.

1. Start a Christmas Planner

Set up a notebook or Christmas planner so you have somewhere to jot down all your ideas, plans, and Christmas lists. This will help to keep you organised as the festive season approaches.

2. Make a Gift List

Start by making a list of everyone you need to buy gifts for and plan your budgets. This will help you stay in control of spending and make sure you don't forget anyone! Think about simple stocking fillers you could look out for through the year like candles, chocolates, or small toiletry sets. Having somewhere to note down gift ideas as they come to you through the year will ensure you don't forget any key people come Christmas.

3. Brainstorm Ideas

Think through any areas you think could be improved for next year and brainstorm ideas for any changes you want to make. This could be anything from preparing your Christmas veg on Christmas Eve to writing your Christmas cards well ahead of time.

4. Christmas Menu

Start planning your Christmas menu early on and make a list of any ingredients you'll need to buy closer to the time. This will help you to budget better and avoid any last-minute panicking! 

5. Look in the Sales

In January, you should also take advantage of post-Christmas sales to stock up on Christmas decorations, cards, Christmas crackers, and gifts for next year.  As you take down your Christmas decorations have a sort through to see what needs replacing. It's also worth taking a look at any sales that are on after Christmas – you might be able to snag some bargains! Also keep an eye out for cheap stocking fillers and items you know you'll need for next year like Christmas crackers, wrapping paper, and tableware.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in January

  • Start planning your Christmas menu 
  • Write a list of any ingredients you'll need to buy for your Christmas dishes 
  • Brainstorm ideas for changes you want to make for next Christmas 
  • Make a list of stocking filler ideas
  • Set up a Christmas planner to store all your ideas and plans
  • Make a list of everyone you need to buy presents for
  • Make a list of everyone you need to send Christmas cards to
  • Plan your Christmas budget
  • Sort through and declutter old Christmas decorations as you take them down 
  • Look out for post-Christmas sales on decorations, tableware, and other holiday essentials.
Christmas Planning in January

Christmas Planning in January

Preparing for Christmas in January might sound like the last thing on your mind but it actually makes a lot of sense!


February is a short month but there are still a few things you can do to prepare for Christmas. If you've got any Christmas tasks left over from January try to get these planned out by the end of February. February is a good time to think about your budget and set out some savings goals. Setting some ground rules now will ensure you have enough money to cover all your Christmas expenses! Set a budget for each area of your Christmas preparations. This includes:


Setting a total goal as well as individual budgets for each person you need to buy for is a good idea to avoid overspending.

Food and Drink

Make a list of all the items you'll need to buy for your Christmas dinner, snacks, and drinks. Estimate how much you think you'll spend on food and drink over the festive period.


Work out how much you want to spend on new decorations as well as any other Christmas essentials like tree lights and baubles.


If you're travelling to see family or friends over Christmas, try to estimate how much this will cost. This includes the cost of travel as well as any accommodation costs.


This can include anything from Secret Santa gifts to travel expenses if you're visiting family or office parties.

Start Saving

Once you've set your budget, start saving! There are a few ways you can do this:
  1. Set up a dedicated savings account for Christmas so you're not tempted to spend the money on other things.
  2. If you get paid monthly, set aside some money from each paycheck to go into your Christmas savings account.
  3. Set a monthly spending goal to spread out your Christmas purchases and avoid last-minute panic buying.
  4. Join a Christmas saving club or put money into a Christmas piggy bank.

Christmas Planning Tasks for February:

  • Finish any leftover Christmas tasks from January
  • Set a budget for each area of your Christmas preparations
  • Start saving for Christmas!


If you're planning on travelling to see family or friends over Christmas, start looking at flights or train tickets now. The earlier you book, the more likely you are to get a good deal. You can also start thinking about any other travel arrangements you might need to make, like renting a car. If you're staying at home, start thinking about any Christmas decorating you want to do. This could be anything from putting up a tree to making your own wreath. Get some inspiration by looking online or in magazines and start making a list of any materials you'll need.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in March:

  • Start looking at flights and accommodation if you're planning on travelling for Christmas.
  • Think about any Christmas decorating you want to do and find inspiration online


April is the perfect time to get a head start on your spring cleaning. Use this opportunity to declutter your home and get rid of anything you don't need. This will make it easier to find things when you're wrapping Christmas gifts later on!  If you're making any homemade gifts, now is the time to start stocking up on supplies like fabric, yarn, or essential oils. This will give you plenty of time to make your gifts in advance and avoid any last-minute rushing. This will save you from having to make a last-minute dash to the shops closer to Christmas.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in April:

  • Do a big declutter of your home. This will make it easier to find things when you're wrapping Christmas gifts later on! 
  • Start thinking about what you would like to make or buy for gifts this year. If you're crafty, start stocking up on supplies to make homemade gifts


Start thinking about any Christmas parties you might be throwing this year. This could be anything from a small gathering of close friends to a big family get-together or work party. Make a list of suitable venues and research costs and booking dates online. Looking back at the venues previous years will give you a good idea of what to expect and help you budget better. It will also give you an idea of when they open up for Christmas bookings so you know when to book to make sure you get the dates you want. If you're thinking of hosting a party at home, start planning the menu and drinks now. This will give you plenty of time to perfect your recipes and make any necessary food shopping trips closer to the date.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in May:

  • Start thinking about Christmas parties you might be throwing this year. 
  • Make a list of possible dates and any venues you're considering. 
  • If you're thinking of hosting a party at home, start planning the menu and drinks now. 


Start buying non-perishable food items like stuffing mix, tinned goods, and dried ingredients like herbs or gravy mix. This will save you from having to make multiple trips to the grocery store closer to Christmas. If you're feeling crafty you could make your own Christmas crackers or start making some homemade gifts. This could be anything from foodie gifts like jams or chutneys to knitted scarves or candles. If you're making your own Christmas cards, now is the time to start designing and making them. This will give you plenty of time to get them posted in advance so they arrive in good time.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in June:

  • Start buying non-perishable items
  • Start making homemade gifts, cards, and crackers


With summer in full swing, Christmas is probably the last thing on your mind. But July is the perfect time to start buying winter clothes like hats, scarves, and gloves. You can usually find great deals on winterwear in the summer months. And if you buy them now, you'll be prepared for cold weather when it inevitably hits in December!  Planning for Christmas in summer might seem strange! If you're struggling to a stay on track then Christmas in July has grown in recent years and you will find plenty of Christmas movies on TV to get you thinking about Christmas again.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in July:

  • Look for winter clothes to take advantage of low demand in the summer
  • Watch some Christmas movies to get you back into the festive spirit!


As Christmas gets closer and closer, August is the time to take stock and start making a check-list of everything you still need to do. This includes things like buying presents, writing cards, and booking any travel plans.  Go over your plans from January and make any adjustments as necessary. Tick off everything you've completed and make a note of anything that's still left to do. This will help you stay organized and on track in the lead up to Christmas.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in August:

  • Make a check-list of everything you need to do for Christmas


As the nights start getting shorter and the weather gets cooler, winter is on its way. This is the perfect time to start getting your home ready for Christmas. Start by giving it a deep clean so you can really make the most of the festive season.  Go through all the gifts you've bought through the year and start wrapping presents. This will make things a lot easier when it comes to Christmas Eve! Just don't forget to label them as you go!

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in September:

  • Give your house a deep clean to prepare for Christmas
  • Start wrapping any Christmas gifts you've bought throughout the year


If any of your dishes can be made in advance (like pies or casseroles), start cooking them now and freeze them. This will make your life a lot easier when the holiday rush hits!  You can also start shopping for perishable items that can be frozen like turkeys, hams, and Christmas pudding. This will save you from having to make last minute trips to the grocery store. Look out for supermarkets opening up their Christmas delivery slots around now. This is usually done on a first come, first served basis so it's worth getting in early to avoid disappointment. If you want to buy any popular gifts that are likely to sell out (like the latest toy or gadget), October is the time to do it. This will help you avoid any last-minute panics closer to Christmas. If you plan to make a Christmas cake this year, then baking it towards the end of October will allow plenty of time to "feed" the cake with alcohol. This will make it nice and moist by the time Christmas rolls around!

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in October:

  • Start cooking dishes that can be frozen and eaten later
  • Buy any popular gifts that are likely to sell out
  • Start shopping for perishable items that can be frozen like turkeys, prawns, and Christmas puddings
  • Look out for supermarkets opening up their Christmas delivery slots 
  • Buy cake ingredients and bake your Christmas cake around the end of the month


Start writing out Christmas cards and get them posted as soon as possible. This will save you from having to do it at the last minute and will ensure your cards arrive in good time. A great way to save money is to make your own cards, or send e-cards instead. Now is also a good time to reassess your budget and make sure you're on track. This will help you avoid any financial stress in the lead up to Christmas. Work out how much you can afford to spend in total and on each individual. Also think about your budget for things like decorating, food, and wrapping. Black Friday and Cyber Monday fall in November so take advantage of any sales and stock up on Christmas gifts. Just be sure to stick to your budget! If you like to decorate early for Christmas, November is the time to do it. This will help you avoid any last-minute rushing around and will make your home look extra festive for longer. This is great if you have young children as they'll enjoy seeing the Christmas decorations up around the house. Putting up outdoor lights now is also a great way to get into the Christmas spirit! Christmas puddings are traditionally made 5 weeks before Christmas, so if you're planning on making one, now is the time to do it.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in November:

  • Write out your Christmas cards and get them posted early
  • Reassess your budget to ensure you're on track for Christmas
  • Look out for sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and finish your gift buying
  • Decorate your home for Christmas
  • Put up outdoor lights
  • Make your Christmas pudding


The month of December is when all the hard work you've put in over the last year will pay off! If you have any last-minute shopping to do, now is the time to do it. Avoid the crowds by doing your shopping online or in the early morning/late at night. Start wrapping gifts as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute rushing around. This will also help you stay organized and know which gifts need to be where. Make sure you have all the food and drink you need for Christmas Day, as well as any other celebrations you have planned. This is the time to start cooking anything that can be made ahead of time and frozen. If you're hosting Christmas this year, now is the time to start preparing your home. Make sure everything is clean and tidy and that you have enough seating, crockery, and cutlery for all your guests. Sit back, relax, and enjoy all the festive fun. Watch your favourite festive movies, enjoy some Christmas baking, and spend time with loved ones. This is the time to truly enjoy all that the holiday season has to offer.

Christmas Planning Tasks to do in December:

  • Do any last-minute shopping
  • Wrap all your gifts
  • Start cooking anything that can be made ahead of time and frozen
  • Prepare your home if you're hosting Christmas this year
  • Enjoy all the festive fun!
When to start christmas planning

When to Start Planning for Christmas?

Check out our post about when to start planning for Christmas.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! Our guide on how to prepare for Christmas from January to December. By following our advice, you will be able to enjoy a stress-free holiday season. If you find yourself partway through the year wishing you started planning in January, don't panic! Just start following our advice from today and you'll be on track in no time. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Merry planning!

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